Today was exciting and frustrating!
Happy because finally the difficult exams are over frustarated because of some reason **** is still mad at me!
Forget him for a while lets focus on how today went ,
First i had my exam which was IPS and Seni Budaya.
IPS Went ok just ok and Seni Budaya went smooth so im happy and thankful for thattt.
After exams some of my friends ran for the Cyber Cafe for their special plan and me nadya and syeril and raymond waited for Adel at school.Adel had to do this Speech cause she didnt went to school the other day.It went quick so after that we head out to The Mall as well we went straight to Cyber Cafe and saw everybody there already the girls were playin not the boys the boys were just cheering and stuff.(mostly helping).
Me and the other who doesnt play just watched and talked,then 1 hour later the girls finished playing and joined us talking about stuff ,singging,laughing and some more stuff.And this is what studded me SHE yes SHE is acting really weird today since this morning i dont know why?but she is did i do something wrong?i think not ? why was she actin like that only to me?dont know why?am i just overeacting?maybe yes cause thats always what i do.
Afterrr we talk and talk i Adel Alya and Raymond went home. my mom picked me up just infront of Bistari.And the rest went to Bistari raymond is just there to follow Adel.hahaha
Got home ate some lunch and did nonsense then online until ehmm now.yes now.And soon ill take my dinner.
I know I know nothing Interesting has happened lately only exams and normal rutin.But thats just how it is .Im just so excited to go to Bali cause i need the refreshing and now my tummy is sick i dont know why aaaaaaaa. btw im going to Bali on friday yupe!this FRIDAY YEAY.
i really really hope and wish to GOD that i dont have any remedial.
SO That's all from me now
Keep updated with my life yow!!!
7 years ago
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