Okay so this happened actually on sunday to be exact sunday morning but i couldn't write that yesterday because my blog page was error zzz. So i do it today hahaha . the title must sound a little creepy but it was 100% true no lies, here how it goes:
at sunday morning i woke up like usual around 9 maybe my mom had ask me to clean the house sweep the floors,clean the table,clean the toys,chairs,and ofcourse mop the floors. while i was moping the floors infront of the window i saw something, but let me me juts tell you a little more about the window so the window is in the living which is infront of the kitchen table and by the way i live in an apartment condos what ever you say about it so the window was facing my neighbours bathroom i always knew that but never really took big notice and the curtains are usually closed , but today(sunday) was different it was opened i was moping right infornt of it and i happen to see my neighbours bathroom window and TADAAA i saw a lady and at first i thought i saw a ghost but then i was being ridicoulusthere's no such thing. so i look closer and i say hey That's a naked lady having her shower and then i just realized i said that and said ''WOW'' . That was the most unusual view i ever had , i mean how could they not notice that they're window was a-see thorugh type of window. Well i just hope i don't have that horryfying naked lady again. I mean iuuh groose.Hahaha and the day went on and i got a new phone since you knew the earlier incident my phone dropped in the pool . My new phone now is W350 wohooo.But unfortunatly i had to pay half of the price and gave all my Euro money to my mom huhuhu. Here is the picture of the phone i want it to put the picture of the lady but i'm afraid then i wouldn't be aloud to blog again haha.
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